Reflecting on . . . . how we display images of ourselves, our educator teams, and the children and families within the service.

Molly our Cooinda Cottage, Centre Director recently wrote an article 'Family trees and belonging walls' for The Spoke, Early Childhood Australia's Blog:
As educators, we talk about fostering a sense of belonging and identity within our services and communities—one way we do this is through the use of photo displays. Reflecting on this in relation to how we display images of ourselves, our educator teams, and the children and families within the service, I wonder what impact this has on those it is aimed at supporting and how it contributes to their sense of belonging and identity. I know personally I don’t always feel comfortable looking at photos of myself as body image issues come to the fore. For others, photos might evoke different issues or ideas.
Continue reading Molly's article on the Early Childhood Australia website here.